Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last Day of NaBloPoMo

Today is the last day.  I joined half way through the month, inspired by Karen from That Mom Blog (who has an awesome giveaway right now).  It wasn't easy but I found something to post each day, it helped that it was a busy month for us and we had a lot going on.  And on the days that were just too busy, a picture says a thousand words.
I am really going to try to keep up with the blogging.  I am setting myself a goal of five posts a month for the year.  If I make more than that, awesome.  Putting it in writing will hold me accountable.  5 a month... I can do it!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Help me get a Facebook Username...

If I can get to 25 "likes" on Facebook, I can get my own username making it easier for people to find my blog!

click here -->  Chronicles of P on Facebook


We had a wonderful blanket of snow when we woke up this morning!  Being a November baby, last year the Bug was much to young to go out in the snow and up until now I wasn't sure that we were going to get a winter this year.  Well, winter has arrived and we went out to play this morning::

And then back inside for some warm milk with some crazy hat head::

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Super Soup Saturday

I made our favorite soup today::  Winter Vegetable!

First things first, I was so excited to use my new stock pot::

The prep work is the hardest part, peeling and chopping sweet potato, carrot, onion (and the tears that come with them) and apples::

Sooo worth the effort once it all starts cooking and the house starts to smell fabulous::

An hour later, pureed and back on the heat for 10 minutes::

And the final product::
Dinner for today for us and the Bug, two ziploc containers to freeze, one to give to a friend going through a rough time (enjoy S & T!) and one to surprise someone with :)
For the recipe check out my Winter Veggie Soup Recipe

Friday, January 27, 2012

National Literacy Day

In honor of National Literacy Day I want to share our favorite book::

It's supposed to be for kindergarten-grade 1 however my 14 month old loves it.  The pages are textured and that distracts her from eating the book.  She loves to run her fingers over the ridges and she really pays attention to the story.

Check out tea for three for Tamara's favorite books + a giveaway!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dear Nana

I miss you.  I can't believe it has been a year since you lost your battle with the evil 'C'.  I wish I had more of the amazing memories that everyone else seems to have of you.  I hear my brothers and cousins talk about you and I am jealous that we didn't have a close relationship.
I have a few great memories and there is one especially that I cherish.  I was about 2 or 3 years old, so it's strange that it is such a vivid memory.  We were at the Tim Horton's in the middle of Ancaster (which is no longer there, by the way) way back when they had those awesome spinny stools.  I was sitting there joyfully spinning back and forth and you were there smiling at me.
I'm sorry we didn't visit more when you lived in Ontario and I am sorry I didn't visit more when you moved out west.  I'm sorry that you and Poppa weren't at my wedding, that's a big one for me.  And another big one, possibly the biggest, I'm sorry you didn't get to meet my little Bug.  She would have loved you and you would have loved her.
I am grateful that I got to make the trip to the Island for your memorial and that I got to spend a week connecting with Poppa.  He really enjoyed the Bug and watched her almost every morning while I showered and got ready! 
I hope to see you again someday and maybe then we can have the relationship that we missed out on this Earth.
Love always,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Prayers For A Friend

A good friend of mine's 10 month old daughter had to have emergency surgery today.  To all those who pray, please pray for this amazing little girl.  And if you don't pray, please send healing thoughts!

J, J & A - You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day and will be all night!  All my ladies at work are praying for you and I hope all of my readers here will too <3

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Loving Daycare

It's hard to believe that I have been back to work for 8 weeks as of yesterday.  For the first month Bug was staying with a friend while I worked and then the week after Christmas she started into daycare and so far it has been a great decision for us.
We chose the Little Learning House for several reasons.  They have a new center that caters to infants and younger toddlers.  It goes from 6-18 months and then as they feel the kids are ready they transition to the toddler center.  The center is run by ECE's who are all amazing with my Bug and so patient!  Now when we get there Bug goes right to them and waves goodbye to me.  No more tears!
And the biggest factor in our decision is their flexible care program.  If we need them, they are available 7 days a week, from 6am-9pm.  I work in retail and I needed that option.  My job is based on what there is to do each day, if I finish early I go home early and the daycare is fine with that.  I pay for the time we use and that is it.

Somehow, the girls get Bug to sleep in a crib at every nap.  Something I have not been able to do in the 14 months since she was born::

Monday, January 23, 2012

Make Your Heart Melt Monday

After a long day I don't feel like writing much.  We got one of the Ikea pieces built but I don't want to show anything until the whole space is complete... so that post will come some time this week.

For today, here is a quick little melt your heart moment. 

My little Bug loves her daddy!  She loves playing with him, climbing on him, snuggling with him, etc.  He came down after his shower today and put lotion on his hands, rubbed them together and then started putting it on his face... Bug stood watching him and then she rubbed her hands together and started rubbing her face.  I love seeing her want to be Just Like Dad!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Too Tired To Build

Today I was supposed to build all our fun Ikea stuff.  After driving to Woodstock and back I am way too tired to do that today... We finally packed up the Bug's swing and so we "built" one thing to go in that space for her to play in.


I also fixed up our entryway and made it more functional::

Saturday, January 21, 2012

*Not So* Extreme Couponing

It's amazing the sense of satisfaction you get after a great coupon haul.  I'm nothing like the people on TV... maybe when we get that bigger house I'll start a stockpile.  Though with the way my dreams are going I'm going to need a 6 bedroom house and a big basement.  A master, a room for the Bug, a room for the Butterfly (my step-daughter), a room for my closet, a craft room/office, a stockpile room, and a nice big playroom in the basement....  Hope DH doesn't read this, he might have a heart attack :)

Anyways, back to the couponing.  WalMart has a fabulous sale on right now, so we went out to the one on Appleby in Burlington (after our fantastic trip to Ikea... tune in tomorrow for the outcome of that trip).  See below for my savings and for my couponing resources.  Happy Couponing!

Here is the haul::

And here is a better shot of the HBA::

Not everything in the picture had a coupon, but everything was on sale!!


My coupon savings::
Diapers - FREE!  Regular price: $39.83, on sale for $29.83,coupons from Kimberly-Clark for free packs
Wipes - Regular $19.97, coupon for $9 off from Kimberly-Clark
Kleenex - Regular $9.97, on sale for $6.97, coupon for $2 off
Mouthwash - Regular $3.96, coupon for $1 off
Floss - Regular $3.67, coupon for FREE with purchase of mouthwash
Toothpaste - Regular $2.96, on sale for $1.96, coupon for $1 off
Deodorant - Regular $3.97, on sale for $2.97, coupon for Buy 2, get $2 off
Advil - Regular $9.47, on sale for $6.47, coupon for $3 off
Infant Tylenol - Regular $6.96, on sale for $5.96, coupon for $3 off
Benylin - Regular $14.96, on sale for $8.96, coupon for $3 off (that was a great one!!!)
MumMums- Regular $3.17, on sale (though mis-marked, these were not actually on sale) $2, coupon for $0.50 off

My coupon resources::
P&G - usually the best HBA coupons
SC Johnson

A great **CANADIAN** resource on how to get started, how to maximize your coupons, where to find coupons, etc::
Canadian Coupon Queen

Friday, January 20, 2012

Who doesn't love Free!

Today I got four free mannequins!  Everyone's response is "What do you want mannequins for?"

Well, my dream career is to be a freelance visual merchandiser.  I would love to have contracts with a few stores to design their windows weekly, monthly, whatever and to do in-store merchandising as well.  I get to do visual within my current position but not on a regular basis and there is a lot of limitations being part of a corporation.

So what do I want mannequins for?  Props, of course.

Although I plan to keep one for myself... and my dream closet.  One day....
An entire room
Beautiful shelving (love the Pax wardrobe at Ikea)
3 of the walls royal purple
One with black and white damask wallpaper
And my mannequin, painted silver, like a piece of art

It's okay if you think I'm crazy, most people do

Thursday, January 19, 2012

She Won't Sleep For Me

My little Bug only slept for a half an hour today.  She is exhausted, I know she is.  I can see it in her eyes and the way she is walking like she is half drunk.

Most of the time I nurse her to sleep.  During the day she sleeps on the couch beside me or on the floor if I'm busy, at night she sleeps with us.  At daycare she sleeps in a crib and they rub her back for 10 minutes and she's out.  (I wish that worked for me!)

Today:: Nothing.  
She won't focus to nurse.  She will only lay in her crib for a few minutes before standing up and screaming until she is sick.

I've given up and she is playing happily with Daddy. 
I hope she sleeps well tonight!

Wordless Wednesday

Sooo I was in the midst of doing yesterday's post when my little Bug faceplanted into the floor and required mama's soothing touch... And then I forgot to come back.  I'm not counting this as today's post, that will come later on when Bug goes down for a nap :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vroom Vroom

Yesterday I alluded to the subject of today's post.  I was sitting in an office and VERY excited about what was happening...

No, my little bug is not going to be a big sister...

We bought a car!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chop Chop

If we are Facebook friends you may have seen my status today:: "chop chop"

I hate haircuts!  And even more so I don't dye my hair.  But I needed a change and I bought a wagjag a year ago that was set to expire March 4.  Grandma and Grandpa were coming down for another reason ::come back tomorrow to find out why:: so I scheduled my hair appointment for this afternoon.

I was soooo indecisive, I google'd hairstyles and just printed a bunch that I liked which ended up being all over the map.  I took my pictures to Le Salon & Spa and met my hairdresser.  Her name was Robin and she was awesome, she made great recommendations on what would work for my face shape and hair texture... and what would be quick and easy to style.

I've never had highlights before so I was quite nervous about what the final product would be.  I picture blonde when I think highlights.  I am very impressed with the subtle change, and it wasn't too light at all!

First (and most important)::

No turning back now::
Final Product:: (forgive the lighting)

This final picture will lead into tomorrow's post.  I don't want to give away too much, but as you can see I am pretty excited about what is happening!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

NaBloPoMo... It's Never Too Late?

Today is day 15 of NaBloPoMo.  What is this you ask?  National Blog Posting Month.  The challenge is to post every day for a month.  Now I am a little late as the month is half over, but as the saying goes better late than never.  I have been having trouble finding motivation to write anything lately.  I am back to work and life is busy, but I think that taking a few "me" minutes each day to sit down and collect my thoughts would be good for me (and my family).  I am putting a reminder in my phone to ding at me every day and hopefully keep me on track!