I wish I would have taken a "before" picture.
Our closet was atrocious. I have been holding onto my pre-pregnancy image thinking I would be right back into those clothes and that style. Not so, I am finally ready to let go of the old me and embrace my new body and lifestyle head-on.
This rack used to sit in front of my closet. It was full. In the middle was a hanging organizer from Ikea, this held DH's track pants, jeans and whatever else landed on it. The left of that was my clothes that I wear frequently and the right was all of his clothes, minus his business attire which he hasn't been needing lately. Now, all that is on the rack is some clothes to go into storage and some stuff to sell. All of those hangers on the top bar had clothes on them, gives you an idea of how much I was actually hanging on to (plus a tote bin full). In behind the rack was the actual closet, filled (and I mean stuffed full) of clothes we don't wear. I had a lot of clothes before I got pregnant. I worked in retail for 5 years, in fairly upscale stores for 2 years and my clothes reflected that. But now none of it fits. A top here or there but not much. I do have a goal to lose the baby weight, but these clothes just don't reflect my lifestyle anymore.
I want to be a hip, somewhat fashionable mom, not a trendy fashionista.
Now I have a laundry basket overflowing with clothes to sell. I wish I could afford to just donate them somewhere but we just aren't in a situation to do that right now. Hello Kijiji! Crossing my fingers that I can sell it all and buy myself some new jeans and stop wearing maternity jeans... Yes, a year later I still wear them... But if you have seen me out, did you notice? They are cute and comfortable and they make me feel good. That's all that matters.
And here is the final product:
Two hours of work.
Organized closet.
No more rack taking up space.
Happy husband.
Happy me.
I like this post for a variety of reasons. I like that you accept "Yourself" just the way you are and enjoy being happy and being a mom...that's a wonderful gift to give to yourself and to your daughter. Secondly, I like how you boldly go and clear out the closet...I try and do that once a year...I figure if I haven't worn something in a year I'm most probably not going to wear it so why keep it. When my girls were little if there was something that thought they could you as a costume or for dress up I put in the box...they had many fun times with that dress up costume box. I think you trying to sell them is a great idea and wish you much success with that! I love your page layout by the way....I think you can teach me a thing or two about how to do that.....