Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Fresh New Look

I logged onto Blogger today and looked at my blog and... huh?  My background was gone.  Not sure what happened.  My guess?  P was hitting buttons while it was up last time and deleted it.  I had some time today while she napped with my MIL so I headed over to my favorite template site The Cutest Blog On The Block to see what if I could find a quick fix.  I fell in love with this background and header.  I love that you can customize the header with a title or photos.  Just save it to your computer, then use any photo editing program (I use and make it your own.  I really hope that liking the look will help me get back into the swing of things.  I was sad when I saw that I only had one post in the month of May.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new look! It's so clean - looks great!
